
Minggu, 01 Juli 2012

Origin of Computer Viruses

Origin of Computer Viruses

Origin of Computer Viruses - The following is a brief record of the origin of the virus on a computer
 that is still a scourge for the user Operating System windows.Semoga be useful to increase knowledge
 about the computer system.

1949, John Von Neuman, menggungkapkan "self altering automata theory"
which is the result of research mathematicians.

1960, the lab BELL (AT & T), experts in the lab BELL (AT & T) to experiment
the theory expressed by john v Neuman, they play around with the theory for \ a type of game / game.
 The experts make a program that can reproduce itself and can destroy lawan.Program-made program that
is able to survive and destroy all other programs, it will be deemed the winner. This game eventually
became a favorite game in each and every lab komputer.semakin long they were unconscious and began to be
aware of this game is because the program created more and more dangerous, so that they do surveillance and
 strict security.

In 1980, the program that eventually became known as the "virus"
was successfully spread beyond the lab environment
, and began circulating in cyberspace.

In 1980, the start is known viruses that spread in the cyber world.

Origin of Computer Viruses are not so clear, because there are many versions and
 opinions berbeda.Tapi, hopefully this blog post crickets can benefit you have been
 visiting a friend who membaca.Terimaksih

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